Before starting your search for your actual property, write down your budget and stick to it. Most properties in Spain look so gorgeous in the sunshine that it's easy to get carried away, especially after a few glasses of Rioja! If you are tempted to offer more than you can afford, you will soon find yourself in serious problems!
When you find properties you are interested in, make sure you are able to view them as often as you wish. If any owner wants to restrict you to a single viewing, walk away. After your first viewing a lot of questions will occur to you so write them down before you go back. Try to view the properties at different times of day and in different weather conditions.
I know this has been said already but it can't be emphasized often enough. Before making even a preliminary offer MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A LAWYER. And make sure it's one who speaks both Spanish and your language, one who knows all the ins and outs of Spanish property law, and one you can trust. If you are using an estate agent, don't accept the lawyer recommended by your agent. This may be tempting as it would save you time, but you must have someone who is acting in YOUR interests. You can't be sure that the lawyer would not be acting in the interests of the estate agent as a return for putting business his way. Ask around other expatriates from your country - they may well have someone they can recommend (or someone they can warn you against!). Or ask your local consulate who will probably have a list of recommended lawyers.
I hope these tips on how to buy property in Spain are proving useful - do join in with comments if you agree or disagree or if you have anything to add from your own experience. If you are ready to start looking for your property, you can try http://www.bizwrite.co.uk/realestate/propertyabroad.html - you'll get lots of help with the practicalities as well!
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