These have resulted in so many heartrending stories that they have almost entered into folklore - and have discouraged some people from buying property in Spain.
So let's try and separate the myth from the reality. These laws were originally passed in the province of Valencia in 1994. The object was to assist local authorities in the development of undeveloped areas and enable them to build low-cost houses.
Unfortunately, however, the authorities in recent years have cynically made use of these laws to enable them to "grab" property from foreign owners. These owners were informed that the land was required for development to help local people - their houses were demolished and they were given NO compensation whatsoever! Of course they were heartbroken especially if they had put all their savings into the property and looked forward to a retirement in the sun. It seemed to some as if it was a deliberate targeting of foreign property owners. It happened in Andalucia as well as Valencia.
Recently this has been declared illegal under European law - which clearly it is! Nevertheless, many owners report that it is still happening.
So what can you do about it? Well, first and foremost, at risk of being repetitive - GET A GOOD LAWYER! Make sure it's a lawyer who understands SPANISH law thoroughly, who speaks your language, and whom you can trust to act in YOUR interests. Before you pay any money or commit yourself to any property, make absolutely certain that your title to it is 100 percent sound. If there is any possibility in that local area of confiscation for ANY reason, or if there is any ambiguity about whether the property is legally built on that land, WALK AWAY.
If you have any questions or any experiences of your own to share, do get in touch. And there are some wonderful Spanish properties - with NO legal problems - on http://www.bizwrite.co.uk/realestate/propertyabroad.html
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