France is increasingly attracting people looking for this type of property. France is really a very seductive place to look for your home. As you drive through the French countryside, you really marvel at the absolutely magnificent scenery with its wealth of ancient castles and medieval villages. And if you stay for even a few days, you will be completely won over by the delectable food and the amazing variety of superb wines.
UK residents have been buying homes in France for many years now. Of course it's very easy for British people to get to - even before Eurostar, it was a fairly short hop across the channel. Many British folk find the lifestyle delightful and much more relaxed than living in the UK. Plus, of course, they have probably paid a lot less for their property than they would have done in Britain!
Now, the idea of buying homes in France is becoming increasingly attractive to US citizens too. It seems like an escape from the growing problems in the property market in the USA.
But how easy is buying homes in France for the US or UK resident? Well - there's one thing you can be sure of, and that is that real estate processes are very different from those in either the USA or UK - though not necessarily all that difficult. In the next post we will go through the house-buying process in France step by step. If you have any tips or experiences to share, please do! And you can find some lovely French properties at http://www.bizwrite.co.uk/realestate/propertyabroad.html or http://www.bizwrite.co.uk/realestate/overseasproperty.html
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